Urgent Summer Seminar – Addressing the Key Issue of our Time

Sovereign Grace Chapel is hosting a one-day seminar in July entitled “The Trojan Horse in the Church”. It is an introduction to Gnosticism and an invitation to attend a forty-eight hour course beginning the third week of July. We are inviting the general public to attend, as we believe this to be the most crucial issue of our time — both for the church and for society at large. It is THE issue of our day.

As I watch the unravelling of our nation and our culture, I barely can believe this is really happening with such speed. The financial system is on the verge of collapse; the federal government has snubbed it’s nose at the Constitution; our elected officials have nothing but disdain for their constituents; we’re being molested at our airports in the name of ‘security’; our national debt is now so large it cannot be paid back; and our unemployment is soaring though the roof. Our very survival as a nation is doubtful.

While I do not believe the Church’s function is to overtake political institutions, I do believe it must be society’s moral compass. You’d think that it would be engaged in this national battle somehow. You’d think it would be calling public officials into account for their unrighteousness. You’d think it would be rebuking the bankers for their ill-gotten gains. You’d think that it would expose the lies upon lies that are systemically told to the public about the environment, the reasons for wars, the erosion of basic freedoms, and the lack of defense of our borders. You’d think it would be energetically involved in all these things.

As much as I appreciate the efforts of the Tea Party, the Libertarians, the Constitutionalists, and conservative political commentators, their efforts are doomed to failure. They lack one thing: the moral certitude that only comes from orthodox Christianity. They all are laboring from faulty premises such as economic theories and secular political positions. None are defending a Christian world view that leads to sound economic and political realities. The Church is the only entity that can provide that foundation, and it is no where to be found. Unless it recovers its senses and leads this nation out of its current darkness, there is no hope for us as a culture.

So, where are the voices for righteousness? Why is the Church so deafeningly silent? Why is it so disengaged and detached? Why is it unwilling or unable to speak up?

Well, here’s the reason that the church is not engaged: It is as corrupt as our nation. It has severed the rope that tied it to all historic sensibilities. It has forsaken theology and embraced philosophy. As a result, it is pursuing trivialities and forsaking the weighty issues of our day. It is concerned with all sorts of things, none of which is relevant to the struggle we face today. It has become a buffoon that no one can take seriously.
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So, you may ask, how did all this happen? This happened because the church leaders brought the Trojan Horse into our sanctuaries. Thinking themselves wise in doing so, they became fools. (SEE previous blog post).

This Trojan Horse is Gnosticism. It was built by Pagans to advance Pagan agendas. Once inside the Church, it unleashed its distorted and perverted doctrines which has deceived many, leading them astray. As a result, the Church has lost its moral compass. It cannot find its own way out of the forest, much less lead anyone else out.

That is why this seminar is so crucial. It is our attempt to shine a light in the darkness for everyone who will hear. We have high hopes that it will be well-attended. This is not a seminar you will find elsewhere, and time is of the essence. So, please mark your calendars.

Date & Time: Friday, July 8th 6:30PM – 9:30PM
Saturday, July 9th 9AM – 12:00 Noon

Place: Sovereign Grace Chapel

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