Urgent Seminar: Trojan Horses and Spiritual Deception

In keeping with the series of articles I have written about our ‘Trojan Horse in the Church’ seminar, I felt compelled to write about the topic of spiritual deception. In fact, our seminar is subtitled ‘addressing spiritual deception’. This really needs some explanation.

We must understand the nature of spiritual deception, because it is of a different ilk than other types of deception. For example, if I deceive you into buying my car which won’t start every time, won’t shift from 3rd to 4th, and burns a quart of oil every 100 miles, you will, in time, come to realize what I did to you. I withheld critical information from you. I lied to you outright about questions you did ask. In short, I hoodwinked you.

Had I given you full and complete disclosure, you probably would have been dissuaded from buying. However, there’s still hope to make things right. Now that you’re driving the car, the truth is emerging. You’re beginning to realize that I misrepresented the car and deceived you. Soon you’ll be calling me into account or you’ll be calling your lawyer to force me into just compensation. The truth is surfacing.

Now, with spiritual deception, it’s a bit different. The truth cannot be apprehended that easily. In fact, it requires the grace of God to extract you out of the lie. For example, I may sell you on the idea that the earth is a spiritual being, or that you can commune with the divine by looking within your own heart, or that Jesus is merely a great teacher, or that there’s many paths that lead to God. And you may buy it. In fact, you are predisposed to believe it because it panders to your pride. It feeds your own sense of self-reliance. Once you have bought it, though, and you live it and experience the results, there’s no way out of the maze. None whatsoever. You fall deeper and deeper into the abyss of my deceit to the point where you begin to teach others the same lies. You have no ability — within yourself — to extricate yourself from this trap. All the corrective information delivered to you with the greatest persuasive arguments will not rescue you.

When Peter declared to Jesus that “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, what did Jesus say in reply? “Good job, Peter! Your powers of deduction have served you well!” No, that’s not at all what he said! Rather, He said, “…this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in Heaven.”
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Cults, false religions, world religious systems, and false expressions of Christianity all have very bright and capable scholars. There’s no lack of intellect or scholarship. What there is, though, is a severe lack of humility to seek from God that which only God can supply — illumination to the Truth. Without that, they will never come out of darkness into the light. One hundred years of study by the most capable scholar will get him nowhere with God. Unless God provides what he cannot provide for himself, he will remain in his abyss of lies.

Thus, this is the difference between deception in the natural realm and deception in the spiritual realm. One can be exposed by natural means; the other requires two things. First, it requires men to forcefully and cogently to declare the lie for what it is, and contrast it with the Truth about God. This is where our seminar comes in. We intend to do just that. But this alone will not persuade you of the truth. Just like Peter, you will need the Lord of heaven and earth to reveal these things. This we call the Grace of God.

Our seminar is designed to expose spiritual deception that is present in the Church today. We intend to do what we can to bring these issues to light. We may be able to persuade, but we cannot convince. Convincing you of the truth is the ministry of the Spirit of God.

So, we urge you to sign up and hear what we have to say. But more than that, we urge you to prayerfully ask our Lord to provide illumination.

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